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The pun[edit]

My name is RiseRover and I like puns and riddles, and legends.

The quote[edit]

When people see some depth you never intended that's really cool, you just put on a face and say "Oh, yeah, that was deep". What are you going to say? I'm just a moron with luck?

Alfonso Cuaron, movie director.

The pic[edit]

Jeremiah Gurney
Jeremiah Gurney (1812–1895) was an American daguerreotype photographer. Initially working in the jewelry trade in Saratoga, New York, he took up photography after learning of daguerreotype from Samuel Morse, moving to New York City where he began selling photographs alongside jewelry. He was one of the earliest photographers in the city, and may have been the owner of the first photographic gallery in the United States. Gurney took this self-portrait photograph around 1869; it is now in the collection of the Minneapolis Institute of Art.Photograph credit: Jeremiah Gurney; restored by Adam Cuerden

The legend[edit]

It moved deeper, towards the Interior...

To the Interior[edit]

To the Exterior[edit]

The Wikipedia pages[edit]